When life gives you lemons…

This week’s photo challenge theme is one I’ve participated in previously, so I’m giving it a miss. Instead, in response to this question from Elizabeth over at Mirth and Motivation, I’m posting my Mondegreen poem, which I wrote for Gabrielle Bryden’s Citrus Fiesta some time ago.

naughty lemon by bb

naughty lemon by bb


I thought it really quite absurd
(and way too weird) when I heard
the 70s band Hot Chocolate sing
about the very strangest thing –
wild lemony love in Cadillacs,
the joys of lemons in the sack!

One day it dawned it wasn’t lemons
of which they sung, but rather ‘heaven’s
and so the song proved less obscene,
and my mishearing, a Mondegreen 😯

bb-nlmI’m taking a break from blogging for a while.
Happy blogging
And hope to see you on the other side.

One thought on “When life gives you lemons…

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: UP | The Adventures of Iñigo Boy

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