Taking a Break

Hi Fellow Bloggers

I am taking a break from blogging, studies etc to attend to a health issue, so won’t be posting here for a while.

I will be unsubscribed from everyone’s blogs during this time,

but will, nevertheless, pop in from time to time to read and comment on your blogs.

Best wishes


53 thoughts on “Taking a Break

  1. Oh, bluebee, that’s awful. I will miss you. Is there any way you could maybe keep us informed even if it’s only a few words here and there? Take care and will be thinking of you – lots of empathy coming your way. Juliex

  2. dear blubee, we will miss you out here in the blogosphere …. all my best wishes for success in every way with all that needs your attention now, and we look forward to hearing more from you in the future … nothing is more certain than change 🙂

    • Hi Julie

      Due to exhaustive research which led me to some minimally invasive treatment available in Melbourne (unavailable in Sydney…) (and the surgeon didn’t even mention it…) it looks like I am on the mend and will be able to avoid surgery, which is highly invasive (they cut out the nerve that runs underneath the metatarsal ligament and up between the toes), has a long recovery period (anecdotally, around 5 months ) and can possibly lead to ongoing pain and permanent disabiity. So I am feeling a lot more positive about the prognosis.

      I’ve had the radiofrequency denervation treatment in my left foot and will go back next month for the right beore the Morton’s neuroma there gets too big. The neuroma in my left foot was quite large, so I might need another blast to totally desensitise it, but the foot is already so much better and I’m walking in open shoes now without any pain, – will attempt closed shoes when the 4-week wait-and-see period is up next week.

      Thanks so much for asking 😀


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